One of our greatest strengths as a company is our ability to build close relationships with our customers. And we’re glad that we can say that. Communicating clearly and frequently with customers is a crucial part of any project that we do, and our projects wouldn’t turn out half so well as they do without their feedback and input. But that’s not the only reason why we value customer communication. We value it also because we value people and believe that every person deserves our respect.
Because we value these relationships so much, we were excited to hear our customers at the Midland Center for the Arts recently share their appreciation for their ZENTX sales rep, Sheena Lovitos Wildenhaus. In her collaboration with them during preparations for the spring 2019 Space exhibit, they recognized her effort in building and maintaining a strong relationship with them through communication and follow-through. The result was a collection of text panels, fabric backdrops, and ceiling signs that fit their needs for the new Midland Center exhibit.
After the exhibit opened, Sheena took the opportunity to visit and take a look at it for herself. She also got the opportunity to interview a couple of Midland Center’s staff members and hear their feedback on our contributions to the exhibit. We shared some of the highlights from their conversations in the video you’ll find below. (For more like it, check out our YouTube channel.) They had a lot more to say, though, so we thought it would be worthwhile to share more of their conversation now.
If you scroll past the video, you’ll find Sheena’s full conversation with Jenny Bagnall, Marketing Coordinator at Midland Center. Come back to our blog later to read the full interview with Julie Johnson, Midland Center’s Director of Museums.
What was your role in the Midland Center’s Space exhibit?
My role is part of the marketing team, and so what I do is work with other areas of the Midland Center to help facilitate their needs as far as interpretive signage and wayfair signage and text panels and things like that. For the space exhibit, I worked with Julie Johnson, our museum director. She curated this exhibit. So we had nothing to start with. Everything had to be created and designed. I got what she needed and took it to ZENTX to have them design and facilitate and create.

What are some of your favorite pieces in this exhibit?
I love this exhibit. I love that we have giant planets hanging from the ceiling. I love that we have these beautiful graphics. I think for me my favorite part of the exhibit are the artifacts. I love that we have an Apollo space suit and a helmet from the shuttle missions and actual meteorites as well.
What is one thing that you really like about working with ZENTX?
What I love about working with ZENTX is the fact that I have my contact person—I have my point-person—in Sheena. And I know that she is going to answer my emails in a timely fashion. She is going to return my phone calls. I can throw out anything at her, and it always comes back with, “We can absolutely do that for you, Jen.” So it’s just been an absolute pleasure. You know, as far as making a museum space work and an exhibition come together, there are ultimately many, many changes, and things just are fluid, and I would oftentimes have to come back and say, “There’s been a little bit of a change,” or “We’re not going in that direction, we need to move in this direction.” And I know, absolutely, it has always met with, “No problem. We can do that for you.”