Wooden Wall

The ZENTX Team

We're ZENTX.

ZENTX is a group of creative and talented artists, thinkers, and makers who create extraordinary visual products. Our customers come to us because they trust us to create engaging and interactive brand experiences that will help them connect with their audiences. And we can do this thanks to the expertise, creativity, and inquisitiveness of our incredible team. Each member is obsessed with producing the best exhibits and environments that will inspire our customers and their audiences.

At ZENTX, we’re all about culture. And culture starts with the people. That’s why the leadership at ZENTX makes sure our team is made up of individuals who not just understand but get excited about our core values. These people are creative, humble, and top notch. Their positive attitudes and respect for others get them far, especially since they’re the kind of people who take ownership of their personal and professional lives.

As a team, ZENTX team members share a desire to not only improve their lives financially but also to overcome obstacles and win. That’s why we value working as a unified team and treating one another as family. And, as all of us would tell you today, that’s exactly what we are. Family.

Mike is the brains behind this whole ZENTX operation. We can all thank his vision and creativity for getting this company going and keeping it rolling.

Mike Wenz

President and Co-Founder
Mark is a general Renaissance man, skilled in a lot of the hands-on and logistical matters here at ZENTX. He makes "the rubber meet the road" around here.

Mark Wenz

Vice President and Co-Founder
Ashley makes magic with her pen, doing the designing for lots of projects. She also works with our engraving machine and has proven herself an engraver-whisperer.

Ashley Bokhart

Graphics Specialist
As one of our designers, Sarah's got the eye for what looks best, whether it's a photo, a logo, or a concept design. She's also a pro at printing some of the cool stuff we make.

Sarah Yang

Graphics Specialist
The DaVinci of ZENTX, Randy is a genius at making ideas come alive through his carpentry and engineering. He also bosses around the other workshop guys.

Randy Peck

Fabrication Team Leader
Marty builds things in our workshop and then brings projects home to our customers by taking care of installs. He's also a problem-solver. We like those around here.

Marty Hayes

Kenzie is obsessed with being behind the camera. She’s our go to girl for all things photography and video editing.

MacKenzie Wenz

Finishing Technician
Kathleen is the queen of the ZENTX calendar. She's also the personal assistant to, well, pretty much everybody around here.

Kathleen Wenz

Personal Assistant / Scheduler
A regular "Jack of all trades," Eric works with his hands to build the projects our customers dream up. He's also the self-proclaimed Chief Dishwasher at ZENTX.

Eric Turbin

Some people grow plants. Sydney makes them from scratch. She's our resident pro at creating our life-like Exhibit Farm plant models.

Sydney Peck

Scenic Specialist
Along with the rest of our workshop crew, Bob builds displays, assembles components, fabricates cool projects, and generally makes stuff happen.

Bob Curry

Have Big Ideas?
We have big solutions. Contact us and share your vision for communicating your company's culture through interior environments or custom trade show exhibits. We'd love to make it a reality.