How Dimensional Elements Make Signage Stand Out
“The devil is in the details.” Ever hear that saying? It’s a good reminder to watch out for the little things before they trip you up. But there’s a flip side to…
Perking Up Your Office with a Quote Wall
Whatever you think of #MotivationMonday, there’s no denying the appeal of inspirational quotes. We love them ourselves — if you follow us on Instagram, you already know that. Every other week, we…
Why to Invest in Unique Donor Walls
You’ll find them in sports stadiums, hospitals, all over college campuses. They decorate parks, performing arts venues, and philanthropic offices. Can you guess what we have in mind? Yep, it’s donor walls….
How to Design a Creative Lobby for Your Office
Quick: what’s the first thing people see when they walk through your office’s front door? Do you have a front desk? A seating area? Any branded wall decor? What creative touches did…
The Power of Engaging B2B Product Displays
It’s not really fair. B2B product displays have an unfortunate reputation for being…well, kind of boring. But it seems unfair for those products not to be interesting. After all, they’re carefully designed…
What’s the Purpose of Creative Wayfinding Signage?
Would you be surprised to hear that our approach to designing creative wayfinding signage has a lot in common with an ancient Roman poet named Horace? We wouldn’t blame you — at…
How do Branded Office Environments Help?
Here’s the problem with boring offices: they can make people think creative, fun, well-decorated offices are just a luxury. After all, if work can get done in a bare-bones space, then you…
Creative Signage: A ZENTX Signature Solution
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We’ve all heard that advice before, and it seems that when it comes to books, many people follow it. What about situations besides books, though?…
ZENTX Core Values: Putting on Respect Spectacles
Over the last several posts, we’ve closely examined the words and phrases that make up each of the core values that we espouse here at ZENTX. In this post, we turn our…
ZENTX Core Values: Becoming the Dream Team
What do athletes, coworkers, and a pair of horses have in common? Not sure? Okay, let’s scrap the obvious non-answers. It’s not that they sweat, that they work in an office, or…